Your personal celebrant

Turning a ceremony into a true celebration is my favorite challenge.
Ruim 17 jaar werk ik als buitengewoon ambtenaar van de burgerlijke stand in binnen- en buitenland. Zelf al jaren gehuwd en moeder van 3 kinderen. En ik kan je vertellen ik heb de leukste baan die er is, klinkt cliché maar ik ervaar het kijkje dat ik mag nemen in het leven van twee mensen die voor elkaar gaan met alle ups en downs die bij het leven horen als heel dierbaar en dankbaar dat ik dat mag en kan doen.

Long before your chosen date we will have an extensive meeting for the interview, which will allow me to create a warm, realistic and recognizable story for your big day.

Your witnesses will also be discussed with great interest. Why did you ask them to be your witnesses? What role do they play in your life? This is always a good time to tell them what they mean to you!

Humor and emotion are an important thread in the interaction with you and your guests during the ceremony.
After the preliminary meeting - which will take about one and a half hours to two hours – we will keep in touch regularly by email. Think of it as a sculpture that continues to be perfected until something beautiful has arisen, namely 'your story'.

Just before the wedding day, we will see each other again to look at the bigger picture. For example: how will you walk down the aisle, is your father giving you away?
Which music did you choose? Are there any rituals that you would like me to take into account? And if there are children, they will naturally play an important role! Everything is covered!

On the big day you can let go of it all and enjoy the moment, because you can rest assured that everything has been taken care of in advance. The wedding ceremony is the kickoff of your special day, so nothing will be left to chance!


do not hesitate to get in touch. contact me!

Interview met Hotel The Dylan Amsterdam

Recentelijk heb ik een leuk interview gehad met Hotel The Dylan Amsterdam. Een mooie locatie waar ik regelmatig mee samenwerk. Het gehele interview kun je hier (in het Engels) lezen.